Thursday, January 31, 2008

Google Toolbox for Mac released

Google Toolbox for Mac released: "Google Toolbox for Mac is a new open source project that joins the Google Data APIs Object-C Library as code available under the Apache license so you can use it in your own projects. Does it sound like I'm quoting a press release? Well, I am a bit. Google Toolbox for Mac is clearly for Mac geeks, but not my particular genre of Mac geek, so bear with me. As the post on the Official Google Mac...

[read more at]



Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wightblog updated

I have been working hard to update

The look and feel of the weblog hase changed and I have added a forum section too.

Save Our Schools demonstration

Save Our Schools demonstration which took place outside Newport, Isle of Wight, council offices last Saturday 26 January 2008, was a roaring success!

Click on the picture above to see more pics.

Monday, January 07, 2008

DoctorDetox Studio Pic

DoctorDetox 2
Originally uploaded by gcman105.
Just messing around in the studio!